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Norton Road Primary School

Enabling Our Children To Achieve


Year 4 – 4AC & 4FG (April 2022)

Information For Parents

Don't forget to look under the 'Forest School' tab for the latest photos of all your fun in the Forest!

World Book Day 2022

More of Your Wonderful Work

Home Learning Pack - 25th January 2021

 September 2020

Dear Parents,

Welcome back! We hope the children have already begun to tell you some of the great things we have planned to do this term. We’re really looking forward to meeting you all and will hopefully do so over the next couple of weeks.

Within this curriculum letter, you will find an overview of the topics that we will be covering in our learning this term. We hope that you find this informative.

Physical Education and Games

In year 4, the PE timetable is as follows for next week.




4NG   4AC




After that, and up to half term, the timetable will change: (Starting the week 5th October)




4NG   4AC




On P.E. days, the children will need to attend school wearing their PE kits. Please remember that our PE kit should consist of plain black jogging bottoms, plain white crew neck t-shirt, black or white trainers and a school jumper, fleece or hooded sweatshirt (from the uniform order within school). Please make sure that children do not wear jewellery to school, earrings are removed, and long hair is tied back on these days.

This half term there will not be any swimming.

Reading and Library

This half term, due to the Corona virus, the children will unfortunately not be taking reading books or library books home.  Instead, books will be allocated to you child using the Bug Club which is found on the active learn  primary website. Your child should have a password. If your child cannot remember their password, or one has not been allocated, please speak to your child’s class teacher. Furthermore, if you are unable to access this learning resource at home, please speak to your child’s teacher so other arrangements can be made. The children should be reading for approximately 10 minutes a day, 5 times a week.



Learning logs:  These will not be sent home this half term.

Maths homework: It is important that children practise their times tables as an ongoing task. This is an important skill they need to have as so much of their mathematical learning is based upon these and because of the Government testing later in the year. There will also be a maths sheet sent home each week. This  is not to be brought back into school.

Activities will also be allocated for your child on the active learn primary site. The children are expected to complete these at home each week.

These can be found at:

Your child has been given a username, password and the school code.

Spellings will be set on a Friday and tested the following Friday. The children will need to practise each spelling on a daily basis. The worksheet is not to be sent back to school.

If you have any questions, please speak to your child’s class teacher.





Learning logs

Not being sent home








Reading and Times tables





As in all key stage 2 classes, children will have the opportunity to have a healthy morning snack. As a school, we endeavour to promote healthy lifestyles, so we ask that children bring in a piece of fresh fruit or vegetables, some dried fruit or a cereal bar as their snack choice. Please do not include chocolate or cakes.

School bags and rucksacks.

During this half term, your child only needs to bring into school their water bottle and their lunchbox (if they are having a packed lunch) Therefore, large bags are not needed so please could the children leave them at home.

Friday lunches.

If you require a school packed lunch for your child to take home on Friday, you have to pay using the system that is normally used for school dinner. If you are unsure about what this is, please contact the school office or the school kitchen and they will explain the system.


Forest School:

This activity is returning to year 4 again this year but due to the corona virus, will take place in the classroom this half term.  Hopefully, we will be able to venture out of school later this year and the children will visit the Haverings to take part in activities where they explore the environment and learn some new skills. More details will be sent out when children are once more able to visit other sites and places.





English, Reading Comprehension, Spelling and Grammar

In English and Reading Comprehension, we will be studying ‘Stig of the Dump’ by Clive King in the first half term which will link our English work with our Topic work. We will focus on developing characters and describing settings as well as narrative writing.  We will also be practising taking notes from non-fiction texts and the children will create their own non chronological writing based on our topic of’ The Stone Age’. In Grammar, we will be learning about punctuation, conjunctions, direct speech and tenses.


In Maths, there will a focus on securing the mental and written methods for the four operations; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will then look at applying this knowledge to help us solve word problems involving two or more steps.  As well as working with whole numbers, we will also be adding fractions and decimals. As well as working with numbers, children will also focus on their use of measure, including length and time.


In Science, we will begin the year by studying Electricity where children will learn all about electrical circuits and test materials ability to conduct electricity. The second half term we will be finding out about sound and how it travels.


We will spend the first part of the year investigating how to be safe when using the internet in our e-safety unit and then we will be using algorithms to write and use code.



(Geography, History,

DT and Art)

Our topic this term is called Stone Age to Iron Age. In this topic we will be finding out about the Stone Age and looking at what life was like for people living at this time and what we know from what is still here. We will look at the change of life in the Iron Age and compare the two periods in time. We will be studying settlements including Skara Brae, a Neolithic settlement in the Orkney Islands of Scotland and stone circles.  Children will also have the opportunity to study and make their own cave art as well as investigate tools and make their own Stone Age axe.

In art they will also be looking at the work of Picasso during his blue phase and practising mixing tones and shades.


In P.E we will be concentrating on the skills required to take part in invasion games and activities to develop balance, coordination and general fitness.


In PSHE, we will focus on new beginnings, where the children will be thinking about, discussing and generating ideas about how to manage in new situations, as well as feeling valued as part of our school community. We will be identifying each person’s individual value in our ‘This is me’ topic. We will also be finding out more about each of our monthly values.

Religious Education

This term will focus mainly around Christianity and we will be investigating how and why a Christian follows Jesus.


The children will be listening to different music and discussing how it makes them feel. They will read simple notation and compose their own rhythmic patterns.


In French, we will be introducing and developing language skills in talking about colours, body parts, zoo animals and using simple adjectives.


This term is a very new experience and hopefully we will get used to the new systems and procedures that have been put in place to help keep your family as safe as possible while on the school premises.

Your support is much appreciated and please remember that you can make an appointment with us should you have any concerns that you wish to discuss.

Yours sincerely,



Mr. A . Cox                Mrs. K. Bharadwa                 Mrs. S. Khan            Mrs H. Neale.

Dear Year 4 Pupils,


Hi, how are you?  We hope you are keeping well and keeping busy. It is very strange for Mr Gowing and I not seeing you every day (seeing your faces and hearing your chatter and laughter) and we miss you very much.  We are all having to adapt to the rules and regulations which are, at times, confusing and difficult to remember as it is all quite different.  I thank all of you who have written us letters as they have really made us smile.


Please remember that it is important to talk about how we feel so please talk to an adult, a sibling, a cousin or a friend if you are worried or anxious or even if you feel a little fed up with not being able to see your friends and having to follow the restrictions. It is important to reach out to friends and family via phone or video chats or maybe write them a letter or send them an email.


It is especially important to look after yourself. Being creative and keeping busy can help with this. Also doing some exercise can help. I have started running every other day (I say running but what I mean is a bit of jogging with some walking- but it’s a start!) and pottering about in the garden and I find these help me to stay positive.  Mr Gowing has also been busy working in his garden and going for walks with his family.


The school website has some good ideas for keeping active with lots of weblinks to different online challenges and activities that Mrs Billington has identified. Or why not go for a walk or a bike ride with your family or have some stretch or dance breaks throughout the day?


Remember that on the school website, in the Year 4 class page, there is some Maths, Science and English work to do. We have even added some History, French and RE work too.  Also, don’t forget there are other tasks and challenges that can be completed.





Discovery Education has provided home access to all pupils of the school.

The web address is:

Username:                    student4177

Password:                     norton13







The Bug Club and Abacus resources have also been updated and new challenges await you on ttrockstars.

There are other good websites that can be accessed and enjoyed while you are at home.  You will need to set up an account to access them, so you will need to ask a trusted adult in your house to help you.  Some of these are as follows: currently free during lockdown  lots of free books to read online for all ages and reading levels.


You could also write a poem or a letter, create a picture or a painting.  You could even send them to school to be placed onto the school website or bring them with you when we return to school.  I am sure we would all like to see what each other has been doing.


Please take care and keep safe. Both of us are looking forward to seeing you later in the year.

We wish you all the best.


Mr. Cox                                               Mr. Gowing

29th June - Home Learning

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back! We hope you had a wonderful break. As previously, within this curriculum letter, you will find an overview of the topics that we will be covering in our learning this term. We hope that you find this informative.

Physical Education and Games

In year 4, our PE day is on Monday. It will either be indoor or outdoor lessons taught in school, by your child’s class teacher.

Forest School will continue this term and 4AC will take part in this activity every Tuesday for the first half term while 4NG will participate after half term.

Swimming will resume every Wednesday. 4NG will take part in swimming during the first half of this term while 4AC will swim during the second half term.

We would like to thank you for ensuring that your child attends school in their PE kits on both of these days.   Please remember that PE kit should consist of plain black jogging bottoms, plain white crew neck t-shirt, black or white trainers and a school jumper, fleece or hooded sweatshirt (from the uniform order within school).

 Please make sure that children do not wear jewellery to school, earrings are removed and long hair is tied back on these days.

Reading and Library

Year 4 are having a big focus on reading this term. Children are expected to read with an adult for around 10 minutes at least 5 times a week. This needs to be evidenced in their reading records with a comment from you. You do not need to wait until a book has been finished before you write a comment. Please comment every time you hear your child read, however many pages this may be, so we can keep a record of how often your child is reading. We expect children to have their reading book in school every day.

In addition to a reading book, children will have the opportunity to visit the school library on a Thursday to select a book of their own choice. We would like to remind you a fee will need to be paid to replace any lost books.

Learning logs

Learning logs will be sent out on Friday and will need to be returned by the following Wednesday.  There will only be one objective based on the topic that children have been learning that week.


Maths homework will reinforce what the children have been working on that particular week. It is important that children practise their times tables as an ongoing task. This is an important skill they need to have as so much of their mathematical learning is based upon these. This will also be set on a Friday and will need to be returned the following Wednesday.

Spellings will be set on a Friday to be returned and tested the following Friday. As well as practising each spelling on a daily basis, children will need to write sentences to demonstrate their understanding of each word.

All of the tasks set are very important in bridging relationships between home and school. They are designed to build on the skills and knowledge the children have been developing not only throughout each week but throughout the school year. If you have any questions, please speak to your child’s class teacher.


As in all key stage 2 classes, children will have the opportunity to have a healthy morning snack. As a school, we endeavour to promote healthy lifestyles, so we ask that children bring in a piece of fresh fruit or vegetables, some dried fruit or a cereal bar as their snack choice. Please do not include chocolate or cakes.






English, Reading Comprehension, Spelling and Grammar

In English and Reading Comprehension, we will be studying ’Mr Stink’ by David Walliams. We will focus on developing characters and describing settings as well as narrative writing. In the second half term, we will be studying ‘Escape from Pompeii’ by Christina Balit. This book links well with our history topic on Ancient Rome and our geography topic of Volcanoes. We will be using the story as a stimulus to write recounts and chronological reports in the form of a newspaper report.

In Spelling, we will be focusing on a range of prefixes and suffixes.

In Grammar, we will be learning about pronouns, correct use of apostrophes and speech punctuation.


In Maths, there will a focus on securing the mental and written methods for the four operations; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will then look at applying this knowledge to help us solve word problems involving two or more steps, including those involving money.  As well as working with whole numbers, we will be revisiting fractions and decimals. There will also be a focus on reading time, recognising properties of shape and measuring and converting units of measurement.






In Science, we will begin the term by learning about states of matter where we will find out about the properties of solids, liquids and gases.


After half term we will be investigating the human digestive system, describing the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in humans. We will also be identifying the different types of teeth in humans and their simple functions. Finally, we will construct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey.


This term in computing we will be using different software applications. We will be using our coding knowledge from the previous term to create a game. Following this we will be looking at different websites and the children will be designing their own.



(Geography, History,

DT and Art)

Our topic this term is called ‘Ruthless Romans’. We will begin this topic by looking at the area of the world where the Romans originated, Italy.  As part of this we will investigate volcanoes, what they are, what types you can find and investigating a particular volcano which erupted during the time of the Ancient Romans, Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii.  The last part of our topic will focus on what life was like living in the Roman Empire. We will investigate, daily life, combat and art, including mosaics.


In P.E we will be concentrating on developing skills in dance.  We will also be developing our football skills.


In PSHE, we will be learning more about nurturing a Growth Mindset: learning that failure is part of success, the importance of persevering and the qualities of effective learners. In addition to this, we will be completing focused activities on our monthly values.

Religious Education

In RE, we will be asking the question: How should we live and who should inspire us? We will study a range of inspirational leaders and the impact their teachings had on peoples’ lives.


This term, the Music service will begin to deliver lessons to develop skills in listening to, composing and playing music.


In French, we will be learning vocabulary on the following themes: Family, Pets and Easter.


Your support is much appreciated and please remember that you can make an appointment with us should you have any concerns that you wish to discuss.


Yours sincerely,




Mr. Cox                                Mr Gowing                     Mrs Sygrove                    Miss Groom

 September 2019

Dear Parents,

Welcome back! We hope you had a wonderful summer holiday and that the children have already begun to tell you some of the great things we have planned to do this term. We’re really looking forward to meeting you all and will hopefully do so over the next couple of weeks.

Within this curriculum letter, you will find an overview of the topics that we will be covering in our learning this term. We hope that you find this informative.

Physical Education and Games

In year 4, our PE days are on Monday and Wednesday. Mondays will be indoor or outdoor PE lessons taught in school, by your child’s class teacher. Wednesdays will be either swimming or PE. Each class will alternate so that for one half term they will swim and the following they will take part in PE.

This half term 4NG will be swimming on a Wednesday while 4AC will be participating in another session of PE. After half term this will change.

When swimming, the children will need to wear appropriate costumes. The boys must wear shorts or trunks that are above knee level they are standing.  The girls must wear a one piece swimming costume. If your child has long hair, a swimming cap is also required. Goggles are not permitted unless a letter is written by their doctors explaining why medically, the child has to wear goggles.

Your child will also need a towel. Their swimming kits should be in a separate bag to their normal school bag.

For both P.E. days, the children will need to attend school wearing their PE kits. Please remember that our PE kit should consist of plain black jogging bottoms, plain white crew neck t-shirt, black or white trainers and a school jumper, fleece or hooded sweatshirt (available to order from the school office). Please make sure that children do not wear jewellery to school, earrings are removed and long hair is tied back on these days.

Reading and Library

Year 4 is having a big focus on reading this term. Children are expected to read with an adult for around 10 minutes at least 5 times a week. This needs to be evidenced in their reading records with a comment from you. You do not need to wait until a book has been finished before you write a comment. Please comment every time you hear your child read, however many pages this may be, so we can keep a record of how often your child is reading. We expect children to have their reading book in school every day and the reading record will be checked once a week. Awards will be given to children to meet the challenge of reading at least 5 times a week.

In addition to a reading book, children will have the opportunity to visit the school library once a week to select a book of their own choice.

We would like to remind you a fee will need to be paid to replace any lost or damaged books.



Learning logs

As your child enters year 4, expectations will be raised. The format of you children’s home learning will be different to what they have been used to previously. As well as the usual Learning Log, they will also be set Maths homework and weekly spellings.

Learning logs will be sent out on Friday and will need to be returned by the following Wednesday.  There will only be one objective based on the topic that children have been learning that week.

Maths homework will reinforce work which the children have been working on that particular week. It is important that children practise their times tables as an ongoing task. This is an important skill they need to have as so much of their mathematical learning is based upon these. This will also be set on a Friday and will need to be returned the following Wednesday.

Spellings will be set on a Friday to be returned and tested the following Friday. As well as practising each spelling on a daily basis, children will need to write sentences to demonstrate their understanding of each word.

All of the tasks set are very important in bridging relationships between home and school. They are designed to build on the skills and knowledge that they have been developing not only throughout each week but throughout the school year. If you have any questions please speak to your child’s class teacher.




Due in

Learning logs









Reading and Times tables


More details to follow.



As in all key stage 2 classes, children will have the opportunity to have a healthy morning snack. As a school, we endeavour to promote healthy lifestyles, so we ask that children bring in a piece of fresh fruit, vegetables, some dried fruit or a cereal bar as their snack choice. Please do not include chocolate or cakes.

School visits

During this term we are hoping to organise an out of school visit.  More information about this visit will be sent out to you in due course.






English, Reading Comprehension, Spelling and Grammar

In English and Reading Comprehension, we will be studying ‘Stig of the Dump’ by Clive King in the first half term which will link our English work with our Topic work. We will focus on developing characters and describing settings as well as narrative writing.  We will also be practising taking notes from non-fiction texts and the children will create their own non chronological writing based on our topic of ‘The Stone Age’. In Grammar, we will be learning about punctuation, conjunctions, direct speech and tenses.


In Maths, there will a focus on securing the mental and written methods for the four operations; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will then look at applying this knowledge to help us solve word problems involving two or more steps.  As well as working with whole numbers, we will also be adding fractions and decimals. As well as working with numbers, children will also focus on measurements , including length and time.


In Science, we will begin the year by studying Electricity where children will learn all about electrical circuits and test materials ability to conduct electricity. The second half term  we will be finding out about sound and how it travels.


We will spend the first part of the year investigating how to be safe when using the internet in our e-safety unit and then we will be using algorithms to write and use code.



(Geography, History,

DT and Art)

Our topic this term is called Stone Age to Iron Age. In this topic we will be finding out about the Stone Age and looking at what life was like for people living at this time and what we know from what is still here. We will look at the change of life in the Iron Age and compare the two periods in time. We will be studying settlements including Skara Brae, a Neolithic settlement in the Orkney Islands of Scotland and stone circles.  Children will also have the opportunity to study and make their own cave art as well as investigate tools and make their own Stone Age axe.

In art they will also be looking at the work of Picasso during his blue phase and practising mixing tones and shades.


In P.E we will be concentrating on the skills required to take part in invasion games. Indoor P.E this term will be dance.

Each class will have one half term of swimming.


In PSHE, we will focus on new beginnings, where the children will be thinking about, discussing and generating ideas about how to manage in new situations, as well as feeling valued as part of our school community. We will be identifying each person’s individual value in our ‘This Is Me’ topic. We will also be finding out more about each of our monthly values.

Religious Education

This term will focus mainly around Christianity and we will be investigating how and why a Christian follows Jesus.


This term, the children will be enjoying singing assembly.


In French, we will be introducing and developing language skills in talking about colours, parts of the body, zoo animals and using simple adjectives.


Your support is much appreciated and please remember that you can make an appointment with us should you have any concerns that you wish to discuss.


Yours sincerely,



Mr. A . Cox                          Mr. N. Gowing                                  Mrs S. Sygrove                      Miss N. Groom.   

Dear Parents,


Welcome back! We hope you had a wonderful break. As previously, within this curriculum letter, you will find an overview of the topics that we will be covering in our learning this term. We hope that you find this informative.


The Prince William Award.

As previously stated in the letter sent home at the beginning of term, 4SM will begin the term by swimming for the first half, while 4BP will take part in the Prince William Award each of these weeks.  Following the half term break, you will receive a new letter detailing the date on which they will change over.


Physical Education and Games

In year 4, our PE days are on Monday and Wednesday. Mondays will be indoor or outdoor PE lessons taught in school, by your child’s class teacher. Wednesdays will be either swimming or the Prince William Award.

We would like to thank you for ensuring that your child attends school in their PE kits on both of these days.   Please remember that PE kit should consist of plain black jogging bottoms, plain white crew neck t-shirt, black or white trainers and a school jumper, fleece or hooded sweatshirt (from the uniform order within school). Prince William Award hoodies should only be worn on the day that they have their session. Please make sure that children do not wear jewellery to school, earrings are removed and long hair is tied back on these days.


Reading and Library

Year 4 are still focussing on reading and children are expected to read with an adult for around 10 minutes at least 3 times a week. This needs to be evidenced in their reading records with a comment from you. You do not need to wait until a book has been finished before you write a comment. Please comment every time you hear your child read, however many pages this may be, so we can keep a record of how often your child is reading. We expect children to have their reading book in school every day.

As an incentive to encourage as much reading as possible at home, we will be rewarding those children who read every day. The children who have read every day will receive a small prize at the end of the week and the child or children who has read the most over each half term will be rewarded with a book.

In addition to a reading book, children will have the opportunity to visit the school library on a Friday to select a book of their own choice. We would like to remind you a fee will need to be paid to replace any lost books.








Learning logs

Learning logs will be sent out on Friday and will need to be returned by the following Wednesday.  There will only be one objective based on the topic that children have been learning that week. However, as part of the task, there will be an English focus.

Maths homework will reinforce work which the children have been working on that particular week. It is important that children practise their times tables as an ongoing task. This is an important skill they need to have as so much of their mathematical learning is based upon these. This will also be set on a Friday and will need to be returned the following Wednesday.

Spellings will be set on a Friday to be returned and tested the following Friday. As well as practising each spelling on a daily basis, children will need to write sentences to demonstrate their understanding of each word.

All of the tasks set are very important in bridging relationships between home and school. They are designed to build on the skills and knowledge that they have been developing not only throughout each week but throughout the school year. If you have any questions, please speak to your child’s class teacher.



As in all key stage 2 classes, children will have the opportunity to have a healthy morning snack. As a school, we endeavour to promote healthy lifestyles, so we ask that children bring in a piece of fresh fruit or vegetables, some dried fruit or a cereal bar as their snack choice. Please do not include chocolate or cakes.


School visits

During this term we are hoping to organise an out of school visit.  More information about this visit will be sent out to you in due course.







English, Reading Comprehension, Spelling and Grammar

In English, we will be gathering advice from Bear Grylls about how to survive in the desert through our book: ‘The Desert Challenge’. We will be creating a survival guide with the information we learn, writing a set of instructions and also creating our own short survival stories. Our next book will be ‘The legend of Podkin One-Ear’. We will be writing persuasive letters and drafting our own chapters of the story. As part of our Science and DT topic, we will also be writing an explanation text about the water cycle.

Comprehension lessons will focus of the skills of summarising and explaining as well as building vocabulary. In grammar, we will focus on building more detailed noun phrases and prepositional phrases, the use of determiners, speech punctuation, as well as working on how we add cohesion to our writing.


In Maths, there will a focus on securing the mental and written methods for the four operations; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will then look at applying this knowledge to help us solve word problems involving two or more steps including those involving money.  As well as working with whole numbers, we will also be revisiting fractions and decimals. There will also be a focus on shape and space including area and perimeter, symmetry and angles as well at collecting and reading data on pictograms and bar charts.





In Science, we will begin the term by learning about living things and their habitats. Children will use classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things! They will learn about the 7 characteristics of a living thing; sort living things in a number of ways; make a classification key to identify local invertebrates and make observational drawings and a group large-scale drawing of insects and flowers.

After half term, we will be learning about the different states of matters; solids, liquids and gases. Children will develop and showcase an understanding of all areas of states of matter, including how materials can change from one state to another, through a large range of simple practical enquiries. This will include understanding how water is recycled and reused as part of the water cycle.


This term in computing we will be using different software applications. We will be adding to and building on our coding knowledge from the previous terms. Following this we will be looking at different website and the children will be designing their own.



DT and Art)

Our focus in Geography this term is Deserts. We will be investigating what makes a desert and where they are located. We will investigate their weather and climate; how they are formed; what use they are to us and desertification. We will also find out about desert cities and how people live in this environment.

In Art, we will focus on landscapes which will link in with our Geography and Science work. We will be developing our artistic skills in sketching; painting with watercolours and adding silhouette overlays.

Our DT will be closely linked to our Science work on the water cycle. In groups we will make a range of models to show how the water cycle works. This will also link to our English work on explanations.


In P.E we will be concentrating on developing skills in athletics including building on running, throwing and jumping skills. We will also be completing a unit of Outdoor Adventurous Activities. On alternate half terms, each class will have their swimming lessons or take part in the Prince William Award sessions.


Our theme in PSHE this term is Relationships. We will learn that it is important to value the needs of others as well as our own and that we can achieve more when working as a team. We will discuss what makes a good listener and how to solve disagreements between friends. We will also look at the importance of looking after our mental health as well as our physical health. Alongside these lessons we will be learning about our core values of Tolerance, Perseverance and Courage

Religious Education

In RE this term, we will be learning about the Sikh faith. We will find out how Sikhs show their commitment to their faith and the importance of the 5Ks to Sikhs. We will also find out about how they worship in the Gurdwara and about what the teaching of some Gurus means to Sikhs.


We will be exploring different sounds and pitch in our music lessons.


In French, we will be learning vocabulary on the following themes:  Hobbies, Weather, Clothes and extending our knowledge of numbers. We will also be learning how to express our likes and dislikes of things.


Your support is much appreciated and please remember that you can make an appointment with us should you have any concerns that you wish to discuss.


Yours sincerely,




Mrs A. Peters                                                    Mrs. L. Billington                                               Miss. S. Miah




Miss. K. Sznejder


Dear Parents,

Welcome back! We hope you had a wonderful break. As previously, within this curriculum letter, you will find an overview of the topics that we will be covering in our learning this term. We hope that you find this informative.

The Prince William Award.

We hope you enjoyed the presentation from Nick, at the Prince William Award assembly and have a better understanding of what this scheme has to offer the children here at Norton Road. Each class will continue to take part in this on WEDNESDAY mornings, on alternate weeks.

Physical Education and Games

In year 4, our PE days are on Monday and Wednesday. Mondays will be indoor or outdoor PE lessons taught in school, by your child’s class teacher. Wednesdays will be either swimming or the Prince William Award. Each class will alternate so that one week they will swim and the following they will take part in the Prince William Award.

  1. would like to thank you for ensuring that your child attends school in their PE kits on both of these days. Please remember that PE kit should consist of plain black jogging bottoms, plain white crew neck t-shirt, black or white trainers and a school jumper, fleece or hooded sweatshirt (from the uniform order within school). Prince William Award hoodies should only be worn on the day that they have their session. Please make sure that children do not wear jewellery to school, earrings are removed and long hair is tied back on these days.

Reading and Library

Year 4 are having a big focus on reading this term. Children are expected to read with an adult for around 10 minutes at least 3 times a week. This needs to be evidenced in their reading records with a comment from you. You do not need to wait until a book has been finished before you write a comment. Please comment every time you hear your child read, however many pages this may be, so we can keep a record of how often your child is reading. We expect children to have their reading book in school every day.

As an incentive to encourage as much reading as possible at home, we will be rewarding those children who read every day. The children who have read every day will receive a small prize at the end of the week and the child or children who has read the most over each half term will be rewarded with a book.

In addition to a reading book, children will have the opportunity to visit the school library on a Friday to select a book of their own choice. We would like to remind you a fee will need to be paid to replace any lost books.



Learning logs

Learning logs will be sent out on Friday and will need to be returned by the following Wednesday. There will only be one objective based on the topic that children have been learning that week. However, as part of the task, there will be an English focus.

Maths homework will reinforce work which the children have been working on that particular week. It is important that children practise their times tables as an ongoing task. This is an important skill they need to have as so much of their mathematical learning is based upon these. This will also be set on a Friday and will need to be returned the following Wednesday.

Spellings will be set on a Friday to be returned and tested the following Friday. As well as practising each spelling on a daily basis, children will need to write sentences to demonstrate their understanding of each word.

All of the tasks set are very important in bridging relationships between home and school. They are designed to build on the skills and knowledge that they have been developing not only throughout each week but throughout the school year. If you have any questions, please speak to your child’s class teacher.


As in all key stage 2 classes, children will have the opportunity to have a healthy morning snack. As a school, we endeavour to promote healthy lifestyles, so we ask that children bring in a piece of fresh fruit or vegetables, some dried fruit or a cereal bar as their snack choice. Please do not include chocolate or cakes.

School visits

During this term we are hoping to organise an out of school visit. More information about this visit will be sent out to you in due course.






English, Reading Comprehension, Spelling and Grammar

In English and Reading Comprehension, we will be studying ’Mr Stink’ by David Walliams. We will focus on developing characters and describing settings as well as narrative writing. In the second half term, we will be studying ‘Escape from Pompeii’ by Christina Balit. This book links well with our history topic or Ancient Rome and our geography topic of Volcanoes. We will be using the story as a stimulus to write recounts and chronological reports in the form of a newspaper report.

In Spelling, we will be focusing on a range of prefixes and suffixes.

In Grammar, we will be learning about pronouns, correct use of apostrophes and speech punctuation.


In Maths, there will a focus on securing the mental and written methods for the four operations; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will then look at applying this knowledge to help us solve word problems involving two or more steps including those involving money. As well as working with whole numbers, we will also be revisiting fractions and decimals. There will also be a focus on reading time, recognising properties of shape and measuring and converting units of measurement.






In Science, we will begin the term by learning about sound. We will learn and investigate how it travels as well as about pitch and volume. There will also be time to investigate materials to see which will provide the best insulation against sound.


After half term we will be investigation the human digestive system, describing the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in humans. We will also be identifying the different types of teeth in humans and their simple functions. Finally, we will construct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey.


This term in computing we will be using different software applications. We will be using our coding knowledge from the previous term to create a game. Following this we will be looking at different website and the children will be designing their own.



(Geography, History,

DT and Art)

Our topic this term is called ‘Ruthless Romans’. We will begin this topic by looking at the area of the world where the Romans originated, Italy. As part of this we will investigate volcanoes, what they are, what types you can find and investigating a particular volcano which erupted during the time of the Ancient Romans, Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii. The last part of our topic will focus on what life was like living in the Roman Empire. We will investigate, daily life, combat and art, including mosaics.


In P.E we will be concentrating on developing skills in gymnastics, including balancing and developing sequences. We will also be completing a unit in dance. On alternate weeks, each class will have their swimming lessons.


In PSHE, we will be learning more about nurturing a Growth Mindset: learning that failure is part of success, the importance of preserving and the qualities of effective learners. In addition to this, we will be completing focused activities on our monthly values.

Religious Education

In RE, we will be asking the question: How should we live and who should inspire us? We will study a range of inspirational leaders and the impact their teachings had on peoples’ lives.


This term, Mr Cowburn from the Music service will continue to be delivering lessons to develop skills in listening to, composing and playing music, up until half term. Following this we will be exploring different sounds and pitch in our music lessons.


In French, we will be learning vocabulary on the following themes: Family, Pets and Easter.


Your support is much appreciated and please remember that you can make an appointment with us should you have any concerns that you wish to discuss.


Yours sincerely,

Mrs A. Peters Mrs. L. Billington Miss. S. Miah

Miss. K. Sznejder

Dear Parents,

Welcome back! We hope you had a wonderful summer holiday and that the children have already begun to tell you some of the great things we have planned to do this term. We’re really looking forward to meeting you all and will hopefully do so over the next couple of weeks.

Within this curriculum letter, you will find an overview of the topics that we will be covering in our learning this term. We hope that you find this informative.

The Prince William Award.

We are very lucky to be taking part in the Prince William Award this year. Each class will take part in this on WEDNESDAY afternoons, on alternate weeks. In these sessions, there will be lots of fun activities, designed to promote team work as well as helping to improve a growth mindset.

Physical Education and Games

In year 4, our PE days are on Monday and Wednesday. Mondays will be indoor or outdoor PE lessons taught in school, by your child’s class teacher. Wednesdays will be either swimming or the Prince William Award. Each class will alternate so that one week they will swim and the following they will take part in the Prince William Award.

For both days the children will need to attend school wearing their PE kits, as explained in the letter sent home at the end of last year. Please remember that PE kit should consist of plain black jogging bottoms, plain white crew neck t-shirt, black or white trainers and a school jumper, fleece or hooded sweatshirt (from the uniform order within school). Please make sure that children do not wear jewellery to school, earrings are removed and long hair is tied back on these days.

Reading and Library

Year 4 are having a big focus on reading this term. Children are expected to read with an adult for around 10 minutes at least 3 times a week. This needs to be evidenced in their reading records with a comment from you. You do not need to wait until a book has been finished before you write a comment. Please comment every time you hear your child read, however many pages this may be, so we can keep a record of how often your child is reading. We expect children to have their reading book in school every day.

As an incentive to encourage as much reading as possible at home, we will be rewarding those children who read every day. The children who have read every day will receive a small prize at the end of the week and the child or children who has read the most over each half term will be rewarded with a book.

In addition to a reading book, children will have the opportunity to visit the school library to select a book of their own choice. We would like to remind you a fee will need to be paid to replace any lost books.

Learning logs

As your child enters year 4, expectations will be raised. The format of you children’s home learning will be different to what they have been used to previously. As well as the usual Learning log, they will also be set Maths homework and weekly spellings.

Learning logs will be sent out on Friday and will need to be returned by the following Wednesday. There will only be one objective based on the topic that children have been learning that week. However, as part of the task, there will be an English focus.

Maths homework will reinforce work which the children have been working on that particular week. It is important that children practise their times tables as an ongoing task. This is an important skill they need to have as so much of their mathematical learning is based upon these. This will also be set on a Friday and will need to be returned the following Wednesday.

Spellings will be set on a Friday to be returned and tested the following Friday. As well as practising each spelling on a daily basis, children will need to write sentences to demonstrate their understanding of each word.

All of the tasks set are very important in bridging relationships between home and school. They are designed to build on the skills and knowledge that they have been developing not only throughout each week but throughout the school year. If you have any questions please speak to your child’s class teacher.


As in all key stage 2 classes, children will have the opportunity to have a healthy morning snack. As a school, we endeavour to promote healthy lifestyles, so we ask that children bring in a piece of fresh fruit or vegetables, some dried fruit or a cereal bar as their snack choice. Please do not include chocolate or cakes.

School visits

During this term we are hoping to organise an out of school visit. More information about this visit will be sent out to you in due course.







English, Reading Comprehension, Spelling and Grammar

In English and Reading Comprehension, we will be studying ‘Stig of the Dump’ by Clive King in the first half term which will link our English work with our Topic work. We will focus on developing characters and describing settings as well as narrative writing. In the second half term, we will be studying ‘The Twits’ by Roald Dahl. We will be comparing the book to a play script of the story and writing our own playscripts.

In Spelling, we will be focusing on a range of prefixes and suffixes.

In Grammar, we will be learning about punctuation, conjunctions, direct speech and tenses.


In Maths, there will a focus on securing the mental and written methods for the four operations; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will then look at applying this knowledge to help us solve word problems involving two or more steps. As well as working with whole numbers, we will also be adding fractions and decimals. As well as working with numbers, children will also focus on there use of measure, including length and time.


In Science, we will begin the year by studying different scientists and inventors. After half term we will be focussing on Electricity where children will learn all about electrical circuits and test materials ability to conduct electricity.


We will spending the first part of the year investigating how to be safe when using the internet in our e-safety unit and then we will be using algorithms to write and use code.



(Geography, History,

DT and Art)

Our topic this term is called Stone Age to Iron Age. In this topic we will be finding out about the Stone Age and looking at what life was like for people living at this time and what we know from what is still here. We will look at the change of life in the Iron Age and compare the two periods in time. We will be studying settlements including Skara Brae, a Neolithic settlement in the Orkney Islands of Scotland and stone circles. Children will also have the opportunity to study and make their own cave art as well as investigate tools and make their own Stone Age axe.


In P.E we will be concentrating on the skills required to take part in invasion games. Indoor P.E this term will be dance. On alternate weeks, each class will have their swimming lessons.


In PSHE, we will focus on new beginnings, where the children will be thinking about, discussing and generating ideas about how to manage in new situations, as well as feeling valued as part of our school community. We will be identifying each person’s individual value in our ‘This is me’ topic. We will also be finding out more about each of our monthly values.

Religious Education

This term will focus mainly around Christianity and we will be investigating how and why a Christian follows Jesus.


This term, Mr Cowburn from the Music service will be delivering lessons to develop skills in listening to, composing and playing music.


In French, we will be introducing and developing language skills in talking about colours, body parts, zoo animals and using simple adjectives.


Your support is much appreciated and please remember that you can make an appointment with us should you have any concerns that you wish to discuss.


Yours sincerely,




Mrs A. Peters Mrs. L. Billington Miss. S. Miah




Miss. K. Sznejder

Welcome to Year 4 Class!



Welcome to the Year 4 pages on the website. During this year at school, your children will be continuing to develop independence in their learning. We aim to encourage them to have a love of learning for life.


Year 4 is split into two classes: 4R (Mrs Rose/Mrs Maroof) and 4G (Mr Gowing)




Autumn Term


Science: Animals including humans – this will focus on the digestive system of different animals, the type and functions of teeth and also on food chains.


Topic: The Stone Age to the Iron Age. Year 4 are studying the period from the Stone Age to the Iron Age in the Autumn Term and the first part of the Spring Term. The topic links in to our class reader in English, Stig of the Dump, allowing us compare and contrast the Stone Age with our own lives. The children will create their own versions of cave paintings and also, round houses.


Spring Term


Science: States of Matter. Children will explore the different properties of solids, liquids and gases and also, how different materials change when they are heated/cooled. There will be a special focus on the water cycle and how humans rely on water.


Topic: In English, the children will focus on the story ‘The Invention of Hugo Cabret’ by Brian Selznick and will design and build their own automatons, using cams to create different movements. During science week, the children will use their paper engineering skills to identify and explore different bridge structures, culminating in their building multi-span bridges in collaboration.


Summer Term


Science: The children will explore electricity. They will create simple circuits incorporating switches.


Topic: The children will be studying the Romans. We will explore the impact that the Roman Empire had on life in Britain. They will learn about the spread of the Roman Empire and the invasion of Britain. They will discover more about the culture and beliefs of Roman people and will have a visitor to the school, to find out about artefacts from the time of the Romans. The children will spend time exploring Roman architecture and making their own mosaic designs.



For the first half of the year, Year 4 are very lucky that every Monday afternoon, Mr Cowburn, a professional percussionist comes to the school and teaches us. We get to play a variety of percussion instruments (including djembes) as we learn and we perform to the other children in the school at various points in the year.


Physical Education


P.E. days are Tuesday and Friday each week. Please ensure that children have kit in school at all times. It is important that those who wear earrings or studs have them removed on a Friday, for swimming, or covered with tape in the Tuesday P.E. slot. While the weather is colder, please also have tracksuit bottoms and a jumper or sweat top as we will still be heading outside on Tuesday mornings. The PE kit should be:

White T-shirt, black shorts or jogging bottoms and balck trainers/plimsolls.



Please ensure your child brings a named bottle of water from home, which can then be refilled from chilled water units during the school day.



Learning Logs and spellings are sent home on Fridays. Learning logs need to be returned to class teachers by Wednesday each week and spelling tests will take place each Friday.


Our library is now up and running and offers the children a good selection of different styles of books and authors to choose from. Please bring books into school on Tuesdays to be changed. Reading books, on the other hand, can be changed any day and should be brought into school at least once a week. Daily reading makes a huge difference to how well our children progress so your support with this is much appreciated.


Dell Farm 2017 Year 4

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